
New Eden is the largest and most prosperous city in the world today. The city owes its rank to those who inhabit and watch over it – Espers; those with supernatural abilities.

Once an Esper comes of age they will typically join one of the Four Houses of New Eden; Diamonds, Spades, Clubs, or Hearts. These four groups form the governing body of the city, each led by their very own King. Together, the Houses keep the city running smoothly and keep it safe from that which would cause it harm.

Speaking, of course, of the monstrous beasts known as Chaotics which roam the land. Creatures seemingly forever intertwined with the age of Espers.

With all of that said, our story in particular focuses on one very special Esper. A former King, fallen from grace, wanted for the crime of his very existence. For four years he has remained hidden from the Houses and their watchful eye, but now the cogs of fate have begun to turn in a most unfavorable way.

The story that unfolds will reveal the truths of the past and lead all of New Eden towards a climatic future of either continued prosperity or immediate destruction.

The story of Wild Card has begun.

Was Always Coming Soon™