
New Eden
Our primary setting, New Eden is the most populated city in the world with near twenty million citizens and an area of nearly a thousand square miles. The city itself is divided up into twelve districts with the Four Houses of New Eden ruling over the divided city evenly. Just under ten percent of the population has the potential to awaken as an Esper. The city was founded nearly one hundred years ago by a foursome known as The Aces.


Espers are those with supernatural powers who began appearing at least three generations ago, just before the founding of New Eden. Not everyone is capable of becoming an Esper, with about ten percent of the population appearing to awaken. They are also known to only appear on the same continent as New Eden. Each Esper awakens with an ability as unique as fingerprint, with these powers starting out both big and small with room for improvement through training.


Chaotics are beings, creatures with seemingly one purpose; to cause unrelenting chaos. Appearing at the same time as Espers, Chaotics take the form of monstrous creations appearing as mutated beasts. Like Espers, they have tremendous supernatural power, but their purpose is simply to destroy. They are the primary threat to both New Eden and the world alike. These monsters are capable of corrupting Espers, turning them into the very thing they are fighting. Espers are also susceptible to becoming a Chaotic if they Fall From Grace.


Houses of New Eden
The Four Houses of New Eden are comprised of Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, and Spades. They were initially established at the founding of the city in order to create an equal distribution of power and responsibility, and they serve as the governing body of the city. Each House has a single Jack, Queen, and their leader – a King. Below these three are ranks from two to ten with multiple members in each rank.


Mark of The House
A Mark of The House signifies an Esper’s allegiance. They are magical in nature, bestowed upon Espers when they join one of the Four Houses. The Mark shows their rank and House symbol, and will magically change when their King promotes or demotes them.


Fall From Grace
A Fall From Grace is an event in which an Esper loses control of their power and essentially becomes a mass of explosive energy, wiping out themselves and everything around them. In the process of the Fall the former Esper is then reformed as a Chaotic, mindless and seeking only destruction. A Fall is a rare occurrence and has only appeared to happen to Espers without training or those corrupted by powerful Chaotics. That being said, four years ago saw the very first King to suffer a Fall – but afterwards, said King survived with a new found power.

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